St. Patrick's Day Pup Cakes

St. Patrick's Day Pup Cakes

  • $10.00
    Unit price per 

 Pup Cakes are our classic Muttfins, but with an added flair of icing and a top treat! Celebrate St. Pats with a festive green goodie for your pup!

Muttfin & Top Treat Ingredients: Garbanzo Bean Flour, Natural Peanut Butter, Water, Tapioca Starch, Coconut Flour, Bananas, Non-Fat Plain Yogurt, Baking Soda (used as leavening agent)

Icing: Tapioca Starch, non-fat plain yogurt, natural 100% peanut butter, water, organic spinach powder


Crude Protein 7% (Min) | Crude Fat 7% (Min) | Crude Fiber 5% (Max) | Moisture 48% (Max)

USE OR FREEZE WITHIN 48 HOURS of receiving this product       

*Not a suitable meal replacement*

*Intended for consumption by dogs only*

Variations in color occur naturally due to the all-natural and homemade nature of these treats.

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